FIRST: Request your FREE copy of our Investor Awareness Guide and our Seven Deadly Investor Traps audio CD.
SECOND: If the material makes a connection with you, the second step is to call our office and schedule your complimentary 45 minute coaching conversation. This conversation will give you a chance to learn more about us and give us a chance to help you achieve greater clarity about what you hope to achieve.
The FREE Investor Awareness Guide is a great tool to get you started on the education process, which is critical to investment success. We frequently have people tell us that they feel like they are reading their own history of investing mishaps when they go through the booklet. They often say they wished they had learned those lessons sooner. At the end of the guide there is a brief 20 question quiz that we ask everyone to go through. This gives us a sense of what you know and what you need to learn more about.
At the conclusion of this complimentary coaching session, you will have better clarity about your goals and objectives and know whether or not there is a fit between what you need and the services we offer. If there isn’t a good fit between you and our firm, then we part friends. If there is a fit, then you will walk away from the conversation with a clear understanding of what needs to happen next. It’s that simple.
We believe that educated investors are confident investors. You donĂt have to know everything, but we have found that ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your financial future. To schedule your FREE 45 minute coaching session please call 1-907-258-2888.