Our Investment Strategy is founded in Research and Academics, investing on the basis of “what we know,” not “what someone thinks.” Our strategies are based upon the following Core Principles:
Markets Work:
Based upon the works of Paul Samuelson, MIT, and Eugene Fama, University of Chicago, we know that markets work and that they are efficient. Current prices for a security incorporate all available information and expectations. “Mispricings” do occur but not in predictable patterns that can be identified ahead of time. Thus, “active” management strategies cannot consistently add value through security selection or market timing while “passive” investment strategies will reward investors with capital market returns.
Risk and Return are Related:
Based upon the works of Harry Markowitz, Nobel Prize in Economics, and William Sharpe, Nobel Prize in Economics, we know that risk and return are related. The more risk that an investor is willing to assume then the more return they can expect to receive.
Portfolio Structure Determines Performance:
Based upon the works of William Sharpe, Nobel Prize in Economics, and Eugene Fama and Kenneth French, University of Chicago, we know that portfolio structure is the major determinant of returns, not security selection or market timing.
Further, academic research has shown that there are three dimensions to stock returns. In addition to market exposure, i.e. exposure to stocks, research has shown that returns are also affected by exposure to small-company and value stocks. Our structured portfolios are designed to capture the premium in expected returns that come from investing in small-company and value securities.
Based upon the work of Harry Markowitz, Nobel Prize in Economics, we know that portfolio diversification reduces risk. Our structured portfolios are globally diversified in over 12,000 securities worldwide to manage and control risk while capturing the performance of domestic, international, emerging, and frontier markets.
Free Offer:
Call today and schedule a short 45 minute overview with Eric Lee and you will recieve a FREE book that will show you how to avoid the deadly investor traps that kill your portfolio and invest like an informed investment professional. Call today before you make your next investment decision 907-258-2888.