We believe that financial markets are efficient and will teach this concept as the basis of management of your investment portfolios. As such, we will refrain from recommending strategies that involve any variations of stock picking, market timing, or reliance on past performance of an investment.
We will help you navigate through the “fog” of investing, working within your family to help you maximize your personal financial resources, alleviate your financial and retirement concerns, and simplify the administration of your affairs. Our services are designed to coach you to achieve peace of mind with your investing.
We vow to take the time necessary to listen and provide the professional guidance needed to help you maintain the course toward the attainment of your goals and the expression of your “True Purpose for Money” even in the most difficult of economic times.
As a fully independent financial advisor, we are not restricted to any investment product or service, and work exclusively for the benefit of our clients. In fact, as a registered investment advisor, we have a legal fiduciary obligation to act in each client’s best interests. We care deeply about helping our investors achieve their goals and objectives, and endeavor to provide them with the highest-quality service and guidance.